silky steamed egg

Try this delicious method of making eggs that is a classic dish in East Asian cuisine.

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Alright, so I know my steamed egg isn’t pretty-looking. If you have any tips on how to get it smoother without the holes, please let me know! Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this dish, it requires a great deal of precise technique to get it just right.



  1. Set steamer up over medium-high heat and bring water to a boil.

  2. In a medium bowl, beat eggs well and mix in mushroom stock. Pour mixture into a shallow heatproof dish. Give the dish a light tap on your work surface to dissipate large bubbles and allow mixture to sit undisturbed for 10 minutes. Give the mixture one last stir, being careful to not create any bubbles.

  3. Lower dish into steamer, cover, and lower heat to a simmer. Let cook for 25 to 30 minutes. Turn heat off but leave dish in steamer with the lid on for another 10 minutes. Remove from steamer and serve hot.


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