Welcome to my recipe blog, where I share my passion for food and flavor with the rest of the world! I’m not the best at fluffy writing, which means you won’t have to scroll through blocks of text to get to the recipe you’re looking for.
oyster mushroom + basil fried turmeric rice
As with all my fried rice dishes, this one was made on the fly using whatever I could find in the fridge. So that includes: oyster shrooms, basil, and Lao Gan Ma chili crisp ofc. This recipe uses leftover turmeric rice, but you could totally start with a base of plain leftover rice.
lo mai fan (糯米飯 or fried sticky rice)
#tbt to the days when we could go to dim sum in a bustling hall and salivate at all the goodies rolled around in carts until they arrived at our table. LUCKILY making your own sticky fried rice isn’t as hard as it may seem! You could dump everything into a rice/pressure cooker OR whip it up on the stove top for a deeper flavor.